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Don't miss the electrifying and thought-provoking Badly Governed (BG) podcast! Simply search for "badly governed" in your favorite podcast app and prepare to be captivated. If you’re reading this from an iPhone or iPad, click here to find our show in Apple Podcasts.
From a desktop or laptop:
Tune in to the newest episode of Badly Governed (BG) on YouTube! Watch all the action and drama unfold at When you play a podcast in a browser, keep your browser window or tab open or the video/audio will stop playing. Moreover, podcast pages are adorned with vital details about each show and episode, along with a plethora of irresistible goodies from the BG Merch Store. So please check them out!
Speakers must give permission for their talks to be released in order to publish podcasts. All speakers must sign a "Speaker Release Form" before we can publish the material on the Badly Governed Podcasts website, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform. You can download the Speaker Release Form here. All participants on a podcast must complete and sign an individual form.
Signed and scanned copies can be emailed to
We are on a mission to produce and release six episodes of Badly Governed annually. This season of the podcast aims to promote knowledge, resources, and support for mental health and recovery in communities of color through community discussions. Would you like to collaborate by being a speaker? If so, please click here to complete and submit a request. Please note that BG does not offer any compensation for speaker appearances.
Every 15th of the month, a new episode is released on Badly Governed. You can check for updates on special episodes on BadlyGoverned.Com.